June 2, 2011

New Archive release: Great Northern Piano bundle


The amazing Twin Peaks Archive releases continue from davidlynch.com. This week's release features four short piano source tracks. Three are heard at the Great Northern, and a fourth, a piano version of the TP Theme itself, is also included. Here's a break down of the tracks, and where they appear in the series:

Great Northern Piano Tune #1:
Episode 13- Ben meets with Tojamura
Episode 24- Mike and Nadine check in
Episode 26- Wine tasting scene 2

Great Northern Piano Tune #2 (Josie And Truman):
(As the name implies, this is a piano version of "Josie And Truman")
Episode 13- Pete talks to Tojamura
Episode 14- Catherine reveals herself as Tojamura to Pete (slowed down)
Episode 23- Ben & Audrey eat with JJW (before his theme kicks in)

Note: The version heard in episode 23 is actually an extended version that runs about a minute longer than the version released.

Great Northern Piano Tune #3:
Episode 15- Norma & Hank have dinner with Ernie and Viv

Twin Peaks Theme (Solo Piano):
Episode 20- Norma & Ed
Note: The televised version looped and rearranged this track a bit, but this must be the original version.

Note: Although it sounds similar to Tune #3, there is actually a 4th Great Northern Piano tune that remains unreleased:
Episode 25- Annie orders a drink/talks to Cooper (this one starts with the intro from #3)
Episode 26- Wine tasting scene 1

A few short months ago, I never would have believed we see any of these tracks released. Thanks again, davidlynch.com! Go grab the bundle, and enjoy my new art!