
June 30, 2012

New Archive Release: Odds & Ends vol. 3


We're down to the second to last release this week. And as we get near the end, we are starting to see that some tracks are unfortunately missing, or even incomplete.

First up we have a couple of percussion tracks. Missing from the original Solo Percussion bundle released last year was probably the most enjoyable of the percussion tracks; Solo Percussion 4.

Solo Percussion 4 (1:30)
Episode 02: Albert and his men first arrive at the sheriff station, is rude to Lucy (looped)
Episode 10: Cooper speculates about the connection of letters to the long-haired man (in front of the chalkboard)
Episode 19: Bobby enters Ben’s office to find stacked furniture & Ben sitting in the corner (mixes into Audrey’s Dance (Percussion & Clarinets))

Next up is the hi-hat cymbal track. Upon closer listen, I believe the scene in episode 17 actually has two hi-hat tracks. Solo Percussion (Arbitrary Cymbals) plays during the first 1:10 or so (the full track) and then another hi-hat track, followed by I believe a repeat of part of Solo Percussion (Arbitrary Cymbals) again. So add one more hi-hat track to the unreleased list.

Solo Percussion (Arbitrary Cymbals) (1:14)
Episode 07: Briefly when James gives Cooper one of Laura’s tapes at the station
Episode 17: Bobby waits outside of Ben’s office, talks to Audrey who gets him in to see Ben (mixed with Freshly Squeezed (Solo Clarinet))

One of my favorite little tracks from the series is the warm guitar theme for John Justice Wheeler. I wasn't aware until a fan with good ears brought it up on the Dugpa forum, that there were actually two versions used on the show. The original version released earlier:

Wheeler’s Theme (1:52)
Episode 23: John Justice Wheeler in introduced, Audrey is working as a concierge
Episode 25: Ben’s office, Audrey leaves for Seattle, JJW enters
Episode 27: JJW looks for Audrey, asks Randy if she’s returned (mixed with White Lodge Rumble)
Episode 27: JJW gives Ben letter for Audrey as he leaves
Episode 27: JJW leaves with suitcases
Episode 27: Audrey watches Jack’s plane fly away, Pete offers to take her fishing

And the just released Alternate version. Fantastic to have both versions:

Wheeler’s Theme (Alternate) (1:23)
Episode 23: After Ben excuses himself, Audrey & JJW talk, “I’m only 18”
Episode 28: Audrey talks to Ben about missing Jack

Next up is the final, used version of Freshly Squeezed. We learn now why its been MIA up until now- only a partial version was found in the Archives. The track is a "clean" version of Freshly Squeezed (Fast Cool Jazz Version 2)Freshly Squeezed (Fast Cool Jazz Clarinet), meaning its the track without the solo clarinet or vibraphone. Anyway- the "partial" clean version is unfortunately missing the first 2:13 of the track. The good news is that with the addition of the intro from the "Original" or "Clarinet" version of "FS (FCJ2)", one can re-create the edited down version that is actually heard in the Lana/Jacoby scene.

Freshly Squeezed (Fast Cool Jazz Clean) *partial (1:31)
Episode 21: Conference room; Jacoby defends Lana to Cooper & company, tells of her heightened sexual drive & skills (re-edited)

Finally, another track missing from the Archives is represented here. The Slow Speed Orchestra track heard in FWWM when Laura tells Bobby that he killed Mike was not found in the Archives. Dean has graciously pulled the mix from the music stem for fans. In the film it is mixed with the series track "Night Bells", so that is how it is represented here.

You Killed Mike/Night Bells (Film Mix) (1:57)

There were actually two repeat tracks included in this bundle. Those who downloaded the bundle early got "Freshly Squeezed (Fast Cool Jazz Version 2 Clarinet)"- but this was mistakenly a repeat of the earlier released track "Dance Of The Dream Man (Soprano Clarinet)" (as I said at the time of that release, the "Freshly Squeezed" name makes more sense, and I provided covers for both track names.) It was removed when Dean realized it was a duplicate.

From Dean via the Dugpa forum:
Accidentally included in last night's bundle was 'Freshly Squeezed (Fast Cool Jazz Version 2 Clarinet)' when it had already been released in identical form as 'Dance of the Dream Man (Soprano Clarinet).' This has been corrected in the description and the contents for future downloads so it will not be confusing.

Finally there was/is a track identified as "Love Theme (Light)". But the released track actually is just an edit of the earlier released "Love Theme (Dark)". On the Dugpa forums there is a track we were calling "Love Theme (Light)", and can be heard in episode 10. That version remains unreleased:

Love Theme (Light) (unreleased)
Episode 08: Andy cries after Cooper & Albert lay out all the evidence in the case thus far
Episode 10: Donna meets with Harold, he tells her Laura wanted him to contact her if anything ever happened, he gives her a hybrid flower to put on Laura’s grave

The version heard in ep 10 where Harold gives Donna the orchid for Laura's grave may be shorter than in the scene- the beginning section might be looped(?)

Anyway, there remains only one release left. Will we get any of the few unreleased used tracks, are are the remaining tracks missing? Will we get any of the sound effects tracks (Giant's Theme, Dark/Nerve/Drone tones)? Or will it be unused tracks? There were unused RR tracks, unused percussion tracks, and more, on the bootlegs. 

Whatever we get, it will be icing on the cake, and the capper of the most amazing soundtrack release(s) ever.

Look for it in a couple of weeks:

From Dean via the Dugpa forum:
Next week there will not be a release as the final release will take some time to prepare. There will undoubtedly be tracks missing that some people are anticipating. Rest assured, however, even though the TP Archive will be 'over'...if and when the lost tracks are found down the road for some reason, they WILL be made available and freely distributed. Stay tuned to the forum for the latest updates.

June 22, 2012

2 more releases

Dean Hurley of the TP Archive revealed through the Dugpa board that the next release will be next week, and that there are only two more bundles left (including next week). Getting real close to the end.

June 16, 2012

New Archive Release: Odds & Ends vol. 2



We move closer to the end of the TP Archive with this week's release. But thankfully we're not done yet. This week we get seven more tracks in the Odds & Ends vol. 2 bundle, including a few that I was hoping for in my last post.

Log Lady Presence (1:04)
The Voice Of Love (Slow) (4:03)
Half Heart (Solo) (5:29)
We start off with three tracks from FWWM. After the extended "Pink Room" last release and the three tracks included here, FWWM fans have a lot to be excited about. Not only do we get the briefly heard slow version of "The Voice Of Love" and the solo version of "Half Heart", we even get the "sound design" track, "Log Lady Presence". Unless there are any unused alternate versions in the vaults, the only remaining unreleased piece of music in the film is the slow speed track "You Killed Mike".

Moving on to the series tracks, we finally get the original unaltered version of "Dance Of The Dream Man". The version on the original soundtrack had a portion of the fast version of "Audrey's Dance" at the end of the track. The original version had only been released previously on "Diane - The Twin Peaks Tapes of Agent Cooper". It makes its digital debut here.

Dance Of The Dream Man (Original) (3:38)
Pilot: Cooper rides into Twin Peaks
Episode 02: The Dwarf dances in Cooper’s dream
Episode 02: Cooper calls Truman about his dream
Episode 02: The Dwarf dances (end credits)
Episode 23: The Dwarf dances on the bed after Josie’s death

Next up is another original version that was altered for its soundtrack release. "Audrey", heard only once in the series, was released on the second soundtrack, but a portion of "Audrey's Investigation" was mixed over it. I personally like the soundtrack mix more, but its great to have the original unmixed version the way it was heard in the series.

Audrey (Clean) (2:23)
Episode 14: Cooper dictates in the conference room about Laura’s diary, Audrey arrives and tells what she found out about Ben

Last release I mentioned that "Jean Renault's Theme" was used in very interesting ways in the series. Here we actually get one of the mixes created for the series (ripped from the episode's music stem). Oddly, the released mix is only the second half of the track heard in episode 17, but its still very cool to have it, and its one of the cooler mixes created for the series.

One-Armed Man's Theme & Jean Renault's Theme (TV Mix Edit) (2:08)
Episode 17: Hank introduces Ernie to Jean at OEJs

The full TV mix is as follows:
   a) Freshly Squeezed (Solo Bass Clarinet) - 0:00-2:29 [half of the track used]
   b) Night Life In Twin Peaks - 0:40-4:07 [full track]
   c) Jean Renault's Theme (Solo Bass Clarinet) - 2:36-4:36 [re-edited]
   d) Dark/Nerve Sound - about 2:45-4:36
   e) Night Life In Twin Peaks - 4:05-4:26 [0:36-0:52 of the original track]

Released version starts right after a) ends (around 2:29), in the middle of "Night Life".

Of course "Night Life In Twin Peaks" is actually a special mix itself created for the original soundtrack consisting of:
   a) Unease Motif/The Woods (NOT reversed)
   b) Solo Percussion
   c) One-Armed Man’s Theme (Clarinet Improv)
   d) Jean Renault's Theme (Solo Bass Clarinet)
   e) Freshly Squeezed (Solo Flute)
As you can see, as the series progressed they became more and more complex and innovative in their mixing and combining of tracks.

Last up is the full version of GN Piano Tune 2. The truncated version heard in episode 13 was released a year ago, but the full version heard in episode 23 has finally been released. I love this one.

Great Northern Piano Tune 2 (Josie And Truman) (Full) (2:14)
Episode 13: Pete talks to Tojamura, Pete asks if he (she) likes musicals
Episode 14: Catherine reveals herself as Tojamura to Pete (slowed down)
Episode 23: Ben & Audrey eat with JJW (before his theme kicks in) (Full version)

Another great bundle. Hopefully we will get one final "Odds & Ends" bundle, followed by possibly some unused tracks. We know "The Swan (Instrumental)" & "Leland's Dance" are missing, but a vol.3 could still consist of:

Audrey's Walk (Version 2) [Episode 26]
Freshly Squeezed (Fast Cool Jazz Clean) [Episode 21]
Love Theme (Light) [Episode 10]
Percussion Hi-Hats
Sneaky Audrey (Reprise) [missing?]
Solo Percussion 4 [Full version can be heard in episode 2, when Albert arrives]
Stair Music/Danger Theme (Full Version)
You Killed Mike [missing?]

Whatever we get of what's left will be icing on the cake.

June 3, 2012

What's Left? What do people want?

With this week's release, we are getting closer to the end. Dean's write-up mentions a "few final release bundles". Possibly two or three more? Most probably another "Odds and Ends" bundle and then a couple "Unused" bundles. It will be sad when its over, but the Archive releases have been one of the coolest things to ever happen. I hope people will use my site for the art, and info, in the future.

So what are folks hoping for in these last releases? Unfortunately, Dean has already confirmed a few tracks are missing: "Leland's Dance" (episode 15), "The Swan (Instrumental)" (Pilot), and "Earle's Theme (Strings)" (unused in the series, but it popped up in a "Previously On" segment, which can briefly be heard here from about 16:00 to 16:20. I'm especially sad about this last one, as it sounds like such a cool version. "Sneaky Audrey (Reprise)" (episode 4) (and possibly others?) may be lost as well.

Going over what else is left, I'm hoping for:


Audrey (Original)
-From episode 14. The version on the second soundtrack has a portion of "Audrey's Investigation" mixed over it. The unmixed original version heard in the Cooper/Audrey scene remains unreleased.

Audrey's Walk (Version 2)
-Episode 26 features an alternate version.

Freshly Squeezed (Fast Cool Jazz Clean)
-Episode 21- Jacoby tells of Lana's heightened sexuality.

Dance Of The Dream Man (Original)
-The soundtrack version has part of "Audrey's Dance" at the end. The unaltered original can be heard on the Cooper/Diane tapes. Certainly one of the most famous/important themes in the series, and the original is only on the tape.

Great Northern Piano Tune #2 (Josie And Truman) (Extended/Full)
-Episode 23.

Solo Percussion 4
-Full version can be heard in episode 2, when Albert arrives.

Stair Music/Danger Theme (Full Version)

Half Heart (Solo)

June 1, 2012

New Archive Release: Odds & Ends vol. 1


We're getting closer to the end of the road with this bundle, a collection of some sought-after and missing cues. First up, we finally get the two missing country tracks. The Lydecker Clinic track, and the One-Eyed Jack's tune, which also showed up in the RR and at Wallie's.

Llama Country (2:41)
Episode 04: Cooper, Truman & Andy in the vet waiting room

One-Eyed Jack’s Country (2:37)
Episode 06: Cooper & Ed at OEJs (as Barney & Fred) meet Blackie
Episode 06: Audrey enters Blackie’s office (music comes from outside her office)
Episode 07: Audrey enters Blackie’s office in OEJs outfit (music comes from outside her office)
Episode 12: Cooper & Truman enter OEJs to rescue Audrey
Episode 21: Wallies; first half of the Donna and Evelyn scene
Episode 26: RR; Cole eats pie with Shelly, Cooper and Annie join them

Next up is the fun track "Dick Tremayne's Swing". Anyone who downloaded this release early on thursday will have also received an extended version labeled "Screen Edit". It was actually not the screen version, but a recreation of a fan-made mix, and was soon taken down.

Dick Tremeyne’s Swing (1:47)
Episode 10: Dick enters the sheriff’s station to meet Lucy

Up next is the third Earle flute track. And upon closer listen, I believe there remains another, similar but slightly different, version of this used in episode 26. The version heard at the end of Earle's story of the Lodges, for instance, is different (and not just re-edited).

Audrey’s Walk (Earle’s Flute) (0:34)
Episode 24: Earle's cabin, Leo gives Earle his slippers (mixed with Windom Earle's Motif)
Episode 24: As scene above concludes, Earle plays the flute, fade to Audrey walking the runway in slow-motion at the Stop Ghostwood fashion show rehearsal
Episode 26: In Owl Cave Cooper and company look at the petroglyph, Earle begins his story about the lodges (half-speed)
Episode 26: After Earle tells Rusty and Leo his story about the lodges, he plays the flute, scene transitions to Pete reciting his improvised poem about Josie (plays over 24 Hours)
Episode 26: Images of the woods, Earle's cabin, Earle opens a beer for Leo to give to Rusty (half-speed)
Episode 26: Brief slow-mo shot of the Owl Cave petroglyph lit by flashlight beams from earlier in the episode, dissolves into Earle's face (mixed with sound effect)
Episode 26: Earle watches Cooper & Annie through binoculars at the gazebo/lake (mixed with Windom Earle's Motif)

Next up is a track I'm really excited to get. Back when the "One-Armed Man Theme" was released, I commented that it's sister track, the "Jean Renault Theme" was still missing. When the bootleg version was leaked years ago, the two tracks were mixed together (and can be heard that way in "Night Life In Twin Peaks" from the original soundtrack). Anyway, we hear it on its own here for the first time as it was never heard alone in the series. It was used pretty creatively in the series mixed with other tracks.

Jean Renault’s Theme (Solo Bass Clarinet) (4:37)
Episode 10: Jean & Nancy give drugged Audrey caramel (plays over half-speed Sneaky Audrey)
Episode 12: Jean demos his arm-knife to Blackie, Jean talks to Nancy about Blackie (plays over half-speed Laura Palmer’s Theme (Bass Guitar Punctuation))
Episode 17: Hank, Ernie & Jean at OEJ's, Mountie King enters (plays over the mix of Night Life In Twin Peaks)
Episode 20: Cooper & gang at the Dead Dog Farm stakeout, watch Jean and others through binoculars (plays over Laura Palmer’s Theme (Bass Guitar Punctuation))

Next up we get two short tracks from episode 7.

Such Stuff As Dreams Are Made Of (0:17)
Episode 7: Short sting that plays as Ben enters Audrey’s room at OEJs
Episode 8: Ben opens the curtains on "Prudence" (softly over Audrey (Audrey’s Investigation Version))

Leo Attacks Bobby (0:40)
Episode 7: Short suspense track that plays when Leo swings an ax at Bobby & Leo is shot through the window

Note that the sound that begins "Leo Attacks Bobby" is actually "The Giant Appears".

Last, but certainly not least, is the extended version of FWWM's "The Pink Room". People with keen ears will have noticed that there were some differences in the film version and the original soundtrack version. So here we finally get the film version.

The Pink Room (Extended Version) (6:44)

Another fantastic release. Can't wait to see (hear) what's next/left in the Archive.