July 18, 2012

Thanks everyone

I just wanted to say an official "Thank You" to David Lynch, Angelo Badalamenti & all of the other musicians, and to Dean Hurley for making the Twin Peaks Archive releases happen. This project has been a dream come true for me. Thanks also to the readers/posters over at the Dugpa forum, and of course the readers of this site.

I hope everyone has enjoyed my covers and the info & coverage I've given each release. Hopefully people will continue to use this site for its information- and I will still update sometimes, and possibly may cover whatever music project comes next from davidlynch.com. And of course there's always the hope that more Twin Peaks music may yet see the light of day. There is actually quite a few tracks that slipped through the cracks and didn't get a release. Check out my unreleased list for full details. So who knows, maybe there will be a "Bonus bundle" sometime?

Until then, thanks again, and there will always be music in the air.



  1. Awesome.
    It's been great.
    All the effort you put in has always been much appreciated.
    Take care.

  2. Ross, thank you so much for both the amazing covers and the crazy amounts of information you've assembled here based upon the research you and others have done. I really appreciate it. Like you, I hope there is more to come someday. Thanks, Mike.

  3. It was all an unforgettable experience and gave me lots of pleasure. Thank you.

  4. It's been a great ride Ross, thanks for all you do!

  5. Thank you so much...
