
May 6, 2012

New Archive update: Evelyn's Mourning

Last week's James & Evelyn bundle included a version of "Evelyn's Mourning" that was actually a mix patterned after the version heard in episode 22. But didn't include either original version. Both unaltered original versions of the track have now been found in the Archives. The bundle has been amended to include them now. And if you had previously bought the track, you can go here to download:

Here's what Dean of the TP Archives had to say:
Here is a free link to the proper archive version of 'Evelyn's Mourning.' Oddly enough, it was lumped in with the label 'Dark Intro' (the subject of this week's release), which is why it wasn't initially located. Not that anything in the archive is usually named what it actually relates to. It all ties in, however, as you can clearly hear the same 'Evelyn's Mourning' ascend in this week's 'Dark Intro #2.' Also included is a very nice additional extended take of 'Evelyn's Mourning' with a bit of riffing off of the main refrain...

Thanks to Dean's continued dedication in bringing all of this amazing music to the fans!


  1. What a find! Thanks for keeping us all up to date with these releases and of course your amazing artwork too. Your work has a high level of quality and is greatly appreciated.

  2. I wonder is mixed version in the new version of the original bundle? And what's it's name if it is present?

    1. Jakub- it doesn't look like it. I think they replaced the mix with the original versions.

  3. hey ross, in your tracklisting, you have #167 listed twice, fyi.

    1. I did it that way because it looks like the mix version was replaced with the two original versions when they updated the bundle. So I guess the mix is a bonus.

  4. also, can you please clarify that I'm understanding this correctly? Thanks.

    (A) E.M. (original) was used in eps 19 and 22.
    (B) E.M. (extended) was used in ep 22 only (where it was mixed with original).
    (C) E.M. (Archive mix) was never used; rather, it was patterned after the mix of the two other versions featured in ep 22.

    1. Hey Mike, I actually think it is as follows:

      Episode 19 features the first 10 seconds or so of the original looped/repeated 4 times and fades out.

      Episode 22 also features the original with a couple of looped sections, and then mixes in LPT (Solo Piano).

      The released mix is based on (but not quite exactly the same as) what is heard in episode 22 (Original mixed with LPT Solo Piano).

      The extended version is unused.

    2. No, you were right! Extended version was unused. In episode 22 it is short version used!

  5. By the way, you now have to tracks listed as number 167 on the TP Archive tracklist... is that intentional ?

    Thanks for everything; keep up the good work !

    p.s. Any chance we'll ever get a cover for the hidden track on the Season 2 CD (Booth 34-X5149 / It Was Laura...) ?


    1. Good point. Last two covers missing would be Glenn Miller and Grieg.

  6. Can you please ask a question for me of the gods over at David Lynch:

    Being a Windows FLAC man, I wonder why I am forced to buy FLAC as "apple lossless" which only plays in Itunes which is horrible. The general 320K I can do anything with in any player and device. Where is the PURE FLAC track ver of all these? 320K is lossy.


    1. I'm just guessing, but the folks over at David Lynch website probably use and work with Macs which is why they offer ALAC as the lossless option. It's a simple enough process to convert ALAC to FLAC (with no loss in quality) if you so choose.

    2. M4A plays without a problem in AIMP3 player.

  7. And also in line with that question - where do we get at least a 320K new EM link you sent the link for, which was APPLE LOSSLESS.

  8. I'd recommend buying the "apple" tracks and converting them to flac with foobar2000. Then copying tags from m4a to flac with mp3tag. That's what I do, being a Windows FLAC Eagle Scout G-Man. Cheers.
