
February 17, 2012

New Archive release: Harold’s Theme (Harpsichord) & Audrey’s Prayer (Earle’s Flute)


Two short tracks in this weeks release...

First up we have the final variation of one of my favorite themes from the series, the brief Harpsichord version of "Harold's Theme" heard when Harold confronts Maddy & Donna. I had been thinking the brief track heard was probably all there was of this version- and I was right. I was a little worried that the brief running time might mean we wouldn't get it, so I'm very glad they released it!

Harold’s Theme (Harpsichord) (0:53)
Episode 12: Harold confronts Donna & Maddy, rakes garden tool down his cheek
Episode 13: Continuation from previous episode of Harold confronting Donna & Maddy with garden tool

Next up we get the second Earle Flute track, which is actually a lovely rendition of "Audrey's Prayer". This was used in episode 22. Nice to hear the section of the track that was never heard in the series. 

Audrey’s Prayer (Earle’s Flute) (1:48)
Episode 22: Heard briefly as part of the mix during the opening credits chess montage
Episode 22: Earle’s cabin, Earle (wearing one-piece underwear) plays the flute
Episode 22: Earle helps Leo write the poem/letter to the girls (mixes into Windom Earle’s Motif)

I wish they would have released the third and final Earle Flute track with this bundle, but I guess we'll have to wait on that one.

Short but sweet.


  1. Desperately waiting for Audrey Bundle designs! Thanks!

  2. Thanks! Lots of updates up now. Enjoy.
