
March 31, 2012

New Archive Release: Civil War bundle


I'm surprised this release didn't pop up sooner, but here it is: the tracks that accompanied Ben's Civil War mental breakdown during season two. In addition to "Ben's Lament" and the full "Ben's Battle" track, we get the components that make up the track.

Ben’s Lament
Episode 20: Ben’s office, he lights lantern, Catherine enters

Ben’s Battle
Episode 20: Ben meets with Bobby, Audrey peeks in, Ben presents Bobby with sword, accepts Bobby’s surrender (Full Version)
Episode 21: Audrey arrives in Ben’s office with Jerry (Solo Trumpet and then alternates between Full Version and Solo Percussion)
Episode 21: Waterfall, switch to sheriff’s station, Major stumbles in, asks to see Truman then collapses (Solo Percussion mixed with Solo Trumpet)
Episode 22: Audrey & Jerry in costume with Ben (Full Version)
Episode 22: Ben makes speech in front of confederate flag (Solo Percussion)
Episode 22: Ben collapses (beginning of Full Version [or Solo Percussion])

March 24, 2012

New Archive Release: Great Northern bundle


This week brings a fantastic 8 track bundle of (mostly) Great Northern related tracks.

Great Northern Big Band (1:31)
Episode 3: At the Great Northern, Leland breaks down & cries for someone to dance with him
Episode 5: Party for the Icelanders, as the music starts, Leland starts dancing & breaking down, Catherine tries to save the situation by dancing with him
Episode 5: Ben & Josie in his office, music from above scene heard in background before fading out

Attack Of The Pine Weasel (2:12)
Episode 24: All hell breaks loose as the pine weasel runs amuck at the Stop Ghostwood fashion show


Next up we finally get the 4th Great Northern Piano Tune (heard in episodes 25 & 26). Previously, I had posted one cover for all of the GNP tracks. But I've had requests for individual covers, so I'm presenting them here now.

One thing you will notice is that there is a 10 sec synth line in the track from about 1:43-1:53 from the soundtrack of episode 25 (Cooper sees the cuts on Annie's wrists). A bit odd, I wonder if perhaps this track was missing from the archives and was pulled from the episode soundtrack itself, resulting in the sound being included(?) The "wine tasting" scene in ep 26 uses the track sped up and looped (and this sound is absent in that scene).

So the only missing Piano track now would be the "extended" version of #2 that appears in episode 23. Not sure about this one. Maybe it was made from 2 tracks? I listened to it closer, and the first part of the track is the released version, and then the second half of the track has two small sections that may be loops from the released version, but there is one section that isn't from the (released) track, and I don't recognize if from any of the other 3 GNP tracks.

Great Northern Piano Tune 4 (2:55)
Episode 25: Annie orders a drink, talks to Cooper
Episode 26: Wine tasting scene 1 (sped-up and looped)


Next up are the 4 tracks used during the Milford wedding in episode 18. The numbering of the wedding tunes is a little weird, as its different than the TV order. Which would be #3 Accordion = #1, #1 = #2, and #2 ('Stranger Nights') = #3. So I changed them to match the TV order.

Wedding song #1 (released)/#2 (actual) was looped to extend by about a minute when later used in the diner (ep 25).

Wedding Hymn (0:33)
Episode 18: Milford wedding vows

Wedding Song No 1 (Accordion) (1:02)
Episode 18: Cooper arrives at the wedding reception and talks to Denise

Wedding Song No 2 (1:52)
Episode 18: Denise tells Cooper his story about wearing woman’s clothes; meets Lana
Episode 25: Cole, Cooper & Truman enter the RR, Cole introduces himself to Shelly, he can hear her (looped)

Wedding Song No 3 (Stranger Nights) (1:13)
Episode 18: Cooper dances with Audrey; Andy dances with Denise

Lastly, we get a track that actually wasn't heard in the Great Northern. Although it was used as part of the released version (but not TV version) of "Twin Peaks (Nostalgia Version)". The Solo Harp version was only used once in the series (episode 21), and was actually never heard at its original speed (the released version). The episode features the tracks slowed down.

Twin Peaks (Solo Harp) (1:03)
Episode 21: Doc Hayward tells Dick & Andy about Little Nicky’s past (slowed down)

March 17, 2012

New Archive Release: One-Armed Man's Theme

This week's release is the "solo clarinet improv" that became associated with the One-Armed Man. It was mostly only heard mixed with other tracks on the show.

It can be heard here:
One-Armed Man's Theme (Solo Clarinet Improv) (4:57)
Episode 10: One-Armed Man in the bathroom (plays over a mix of Black Lodge Rumble, Unease Motif/The Woods, & Leo's Theme)
Episode 13: One-Armed Man in conference room turns into "Mike" (plays over White Lodge Rumble)
Episode 16: One-Armed Man in Great Northern bed talks to Cooper (plays over Unease Motif/The Woods)
Episode 25: Opening credits at the Bookhouse before Jones makes her move on Truman (before segueing into Stair Music/Danger Theme)
(the beginning of Episode 25 being the only showcase of it as a solo)

So far, this is the only version of this track released from the Archive. However, there are actually two other versions. There is one version that combines this clarinet solo and another solo (bass clarinet).
This "Combo" version was used as part of "Night Life In Twin Peaks" which is heard in this scene:
Episode 17: Hank & Ernie at OEJs, Hank introduces Ernie to Jean (mixed with additional elements)

And it was the combo version that leaked as a bootleg a few years back.

Now the interesting part: The other solo (bass clarinet), on its own, is actually the solo that became "Jean Renault's Theme", heard (mixed with other tracks) in these scenes:
Episode 10: Jean & Nancy give drugged Audrey caramel (plays over half-speed Sneaky Audrey)
Episode 12: Jean demos his arm-knife to Blackie, Jean talks to Nancy about Blackie (plays over slowed-down Laura Palmer’s Theme (Bass Guitar Punctuation))
Episode 17: Hank, Ernie & Jean at OEJ's, Mountie King enters (plays over the mix of Night Life In Twin Peaks)
Episode 20: Cooper & gang at the Dead Dog Farm stakeout, watch Jean and others through binoculars (plays over Laura Palmer’s Theme (Bass Guitar Punctuation))

So there should be three versions of this one:
One-Armed Man's Theme (Solo Clarinet Improv) (released)
One-Armed Man's Theme (Clarinet & Bass Clarinet Combo) (unreleased)
One-Armed Man's Theme (Solo Bass Clarinet) AKA "Jean Renault's Theme" (unreleased)

Anyway, great to have this one. And I'm really hoping we eventually get the other two versions, especially the Solo Bass "Jean Renault's Theme" version. Definitely still things to look forward to from the TP Archive!

March 11, 2012

New Archive release: Audrey's Dance DOTDM mixes


Along with this week's "Audrey's Dance/Sneaky Audrey" bundle, the Archive released three mixes of "Audrey's Dance" that are combinations of the fast version of "Audrey's Dance" with the solo versions of "Dance Of The Dream Man". These are fantastic, especially the Flute version. Surprisingly, none of these were ever used on the show. But luckily, they were in the Archives, and can now be heard!

Audrey's Dance (Dance Of The Dream Man Clarinet) (3:37)
Audrey's Dance (Dance Of The Dream Man Flute) (3:39)
Audrey's Dance (Dance Of The Dream Man Sax) (3:40)

March 9, 2012

The Twin Peaks Archive: One Year Later

Last march marked the beginning of the TP Archive on I had heard that was being reworked as a music site, and I had hoped that might possibly mean the release of some Twin Peaks tracks. And then two versions of FWWM's "Deer Meadow Shuffle" popped up as part of an "open album". I never would have dreamed that within a year we'd see a majority of the unreleased Twin Peaks tracks released. Its a year later, and the Archive is still going strong. It's something I thought I'd never see. And its been a dream come true.

This site has been a love letter to the Archive releases, the TP music in general, and to other fans. I hope others have found it to be a great companion site for info and of course the covers themselves.

So what's next? I think there are still some treats awaiting us. From Ben's Civil War tracks to the Milford Wedding songs. Also the remaining slow/half speed tracks. Right now, I'm probably looking forward to the original version of "James & Evelyn" the most. But will cherish all that are released.


Here's what's left unreleased:

Attack Of The Pine Weasel
Audrey (Clean TV Version)
Ben’s Battle (Various Versions)
Ben’s Lament
Great Northern Big Band
One-Armed Man's Theme (Solo Clarinet Improv)
One-Armed Man's Theme (Clarinet & Bass Clarinet Combo)
One-Armed Man's Theme (Solo Bass Clarinet) AKA "Jean Renault's Theme"
Dance Of The Dream Man (Original Sax)
Dick Tremeyne’s Swing 
Earle's Theme (Strings) [unused]
Earle’s Theme 2 (Audrey’s Walk)
Evelyn’s Mourning (2 versions)
Freshly Squeezed (Drums & Bass)(?)
Freshly Squeezed (Fast Cool Jazz Drums And Bass) 
Freshly Squeezed (Fast Cool Jazz Solo Vibraphone) [unused]
Great Northern Piano Tune #2 (Josie And Truman) (Extended/Full)
Great Northern Piano Tune #4
James & Evelyn 
Laura Palmer’s Theme (Piano & Strings Bridge) [unused]
Leo Attacks Bobby 
Love Theme (Dark)
Love Theme (Light)(?)
Llama Country
One-Eyed Jack's Parlor Music (Country Song) 
Packards’ Vibration (Original TV Version)
Percussion Hi-Hats 
The Red Room (Stand-Alone)
Sneaky Audrey (Reprise)
Shelly (Original)(?)
Solo Percussion 4 
Stair Music/Danger Theme (Full Version)
“Such Stuff As Dreams Are Made Of” (Bridge)
The Swan (Instrumental)
Twin Peaks (Solo Harp)
Wedding Song No 1
Wedding Song No 2
Wedding Song No 3
Bob's Dance/Back To Missoula


Who knows if all of these can be found or not. And also keep in mind that this is a list of only the remaining tracks used in the series. And there are bound to be some more unused/unheard goodies to come! 

I've also updated the Archive tracklisting, TP scene guide, and chronological order pages. So check them out. Looking forward to what the second year will bring. A heartfelt "thank you" to Dean and the TP Archive, and other fans.

New Archive release: Sneaky Audrey bundle


The other half of this week's release are the various versions of "Sneaky Audrey". The original version was released from the Archive a while back, and was also used as part of the "Bookhouse Boys" montage on the original soundtrack.

Sneaky Audrey (Alternate Version) (1:28)
Episode 19: James & Evelyn kiss in her car

Sneaky Audrey (Audrey’s Investigation) (1:53)
Episode 02: Ben meets “the new girl” at OEJs (mixed with Laura Palmer’s Theme)
Episode 05: Audrey watches Ben and Catherine through the peep-hole
Episode 08: 2nd half of the scene where Ben confronts “Prudence” at OEJs
Episode 13: Cooper brings Ben back the ransom money and tells of Audrey’s rescue (half-speed)
Episode 16: Part of the mix in the Roadhouse gathering of suspects scene
Episode 22: 2nd half of the scene where Audrey talks to Jerry about Ben being incapacitated
Episode 24: Donna sees her mom open the door for Ben Horne

Sneaky Audrey (Solo) (0:50)
Episode 17: Catherine tells Truman about how a guardian angel saved her life (plays over a segment of Laura Palmer’s Theme (Guardian Angel Version))
Episode 26: Donna looks at Ben as he walks away from the table at the Miss Twin Peaks sign-up (mixes into a brief portion of Laura Palmer’s Theme)

Unfortunately, the short "Reprise" version heard in episode 4 wasn't located in the Archives (according to the write-up included with the release). Also missing is the original clean version of "Audrey" from the second soundtrack, which was changed a bit for release by adding the "Solo" elements to it. Perhaps the "Reprise" version will be found?

Not included:
Sneaky Audrey (Reprise) (not located in archives)
Episode 04: At the Timber Falls Motel, Catherine finds the poker chip from OEJs

Audrey (Original Clean TV Version)
Episode 14: Cooper dictates in the conference room about Laura’s diary, Audrey arrives and tells what she found out about Ben

New Archive release: Audrey's Dance bundle


The Twin Peaks Archive returns this week with a fantastic 11-track bundle that really fills in some holes in the collection. Finally releasing a few tracks that were used quite often in the series. I'll be splitting this release into a few posts. First up is the "Audrey's Dance" bundle.

Aside from the original version that was released on the original soundtrack and the "Percussion & Clarinets" version that was released previously from the Archive, there were an additional 5 versions of "Audrey's Dance" used in the series. All of which are included in this release.

Audrey’s Dance (Fast) (Clean) (3:40)
Pilot: Bobby and Shelly in Bobby’s car
Episode 04: Josie takes pictures at the Timber Falls Motel
Episode 24: Pete figures out chess moves
Episode 25: Great Northern; Donna follows her mom, Mike and Nadine check out, Donna asks Audrey about her mom & Ben

Audrey’s Dance (Clean) (5:15)
Pilot: Bobby arrives at school, is summoned to the office
Pilot: Bobby is interrogated by the police in the school library
Pilot: Bobby & Mike go to Donna’s house
Pilot: James is put into a jail cell across from Bobby & Mike
Pilot: Bobby & Mike bark at James in the jail cells
Episode 01: Bobby & Mike in the jail cell discuss Leo
Episode 01: Bobby & Mike see James’ bike outside Donna’s house
Episode 03: Norma meets with Mr. Mooney in the RR
Episode 04: Bobby & Shelly make out at Shelly’s, she gives him Leo’s bloody shirt, shows him her gun
Episode 06: Donna & James enter Jacoby’s, Bobby plants drugs on James’ bike
Episode 07: Bobby calls Lucy (as Leo) tells her James is an “Easy Rider”
Episode 12: Bobby, Shelly & Mr. Pinkle
Episode 15: Bobby listens to tape of Leo & Ben
Episode 19: Bobby hits on Audrey on his way to bring Ben pictures (mixed with Freshly Squeezed (Solo Clarinet))
Episode 21: James meets Evelyn’s husband Jeffery
Episode 24: Windom visits Donna as “Dr. Craig”

Audrey’s Dance (Solo Rhodes) (5:16)
Episode 02: Bobby & Mike arrive in woods to meet Leo (mixed with Laura Palmer’s Theme)
Episode 05: Cooper and Truman at Jacques’ apartment
Episode 05: Cooper finds Fleshworld at Jacques’ apartment
Episode 08: Cooper and Truman find boot under porch board (few sounds mixed with Solo Percussion 3)
Episode 10: Leland flicks a match into ashtray (few sounds mixed with Laura Palmer’s Theme (Bass Guitar Punctuation))
Episode 12: Shelly at the hearing for Leo (one bar)
Episode 12: Truman tells Shelly Leo is free to go home, Sternwood tells Cooper about the woods
Episode 12: Maddy in bushes outside of Harold’s

Audrey’s Dance (Synth & Vibraphone) (1:06)
Episode 06: Cooper sets tape recorder for Waldo

Finally, there is the often used "Drums And Bass" version. The naming of the track confused me a bit at first. I originally thought "Freshly Squeezed" made more sense since it doesn't have that melodic component that we think of as "Audrey's Dance". But upon closer listen you realize that it's actually a "cleaner" version of the "clean" version, with that melodic component stripped out. (It's the "Clean" version without the "Solo Rhodes" added to it.) So, it's technically the base "Drums And Bass" track used for "Audrey's Dance". I originally had a choice of covers up for both names, but it's technically correct as "Audrey's Dance". No matter the name, its really nice to finally have this one!!

Audrey’s Dance (Drums And Bass) (5:12)
Episode 01: Cooper tells Bobby & Mike they are free to go, warn them not to hurt James
Episode 08: Truman, Cooper and Albert see Bobby in the hall at the hospital
Episode 11: Cooper asks Truman for one of the Bookhouse Boys
Episode 12: Cooper wakes up & dictates to Diane, tells of dreaming of eating a “large, tasteless gumdrop”
Episode 13: Ben’s office, Josie & Ben “stalemate”, Ben pays her 5 million dollars & they end their partnership
Episode 19: Denise to Cooper, “Exactly how old is that girl?” about Audrey
Episode 20: Lucy tells Cooper she didn’t find any mention of Windom Earle or chess moves in the personals
Episode 21: Audrey & Bobby at the Great Northern, she compares Ben’s mental state to an ice cube
Episode 23: A celery eating Ben announces his plan to “save the pine weasel”
Episode 24: Annie arrives at the RR, Norma introduces her to Shelly
Episode 24: Ben’s “Stop Ghostwood” speech
Episode 25: JJW tells Ben (eating a carrot) that he’s falling in love with Audrey
Episode 26: Ben addresses the Miss TP committee about the topic for the speeches
Episode 28: Ben tries to talk Audrey into making a speech at the Miss TP contest