
November 19, 2011

New Archive release: The Mill Deal


This week's new release features three short tracks. 
The Mill Deal (1:27)
Josie And Jonathan (The Mill Deal) (2:03)
The Mill Fire (0:55)

First up is "The Mill Deal" which is only heard once at its original speed:

The Mill Deal
Episode 04: Ben & Leo discuss the mill deal in the woods, continues into next scene: Donna & James look for Laura's necklace

The half-speed version of the track was heard three times in the second season, and the TP Archive has released the slow version as "Josie And Jonathan". The released version recreates the edit heard in the Josie and Jonathan scene from episode 13, which features the slowed down first minute of "The Mill Deal" with a repeated portion from the middle of the track used as an ending. A slightly longer version (featuring almost all of the slowed down original, without the repeated "ending") can be heard in the Josie and Truman scene in episode 11.

Josie And Jonathan (The Mill Deal)
Episode 11: Truman & Josie make love, Josie asks Truman to tear her outfit
Episode 13: After sex, Jonathan gives Josie a one way ticket back to Hong Kong
Episode 13: Josie & Jonathan leave, Truman tells her he loves her

Finally, we get what is probably the most untypical track heard in the entire series, the short action track heard in episode 7 when the mill fire starts.

The Mill Fire
Episode 07: Catherine talks to a tied-up Shelly, fire starts, Catherine frees Shelly
Episode 12: Part of the mix when the security guard pulls a gun on Cooper (with Audrey) & Truman at OEJs

Thanks again to Dean and the TP Archive for continuing to release all of these great tracks. Twin Peaks has once again become a weekly event this past year.

November 13, 2011

The Twin Peaks Archive Returns: Freshly Squeezed Bundle


After a month long hiatus, the TP Archive at makes its welcome return with a nine-track bundle that includes most (but not quite all) of the unreleased versions of "Freshly Squeezed". Including, for the first time the full version of the original, which was edited down to 3:49 on the original soundtrack.

Here's what's included:

Freshly Squeezed
Episode 01: Audrey introduces herself to Cooper during breakfast, “as long as those grapefruits are ‘Freshly Squeezed’”
Episode 05: Audrey joins Cooper while he’s having his coffee, he asks how old she is
Episode 06: Audrey at the Horne Department Store perfume counter, snoops in Battis’s office
Episode 09: Shelly & Bobby in car (plays on radio) they switch it to Drug Deal Blues
Episode 24: Audrey and JJW apologize to each other, he asks her to go on a picnic
Episode 25: Audrey brings food to JJW (in goofy sweater), they flirt

Freshly Squeezed (Clarinet)
Episode 03: Audrey meets Cooper at breakfast, he has her write her name

Freshly Squeezed (Fast Cool Jazz Version 2)

Freshly Squeezed (Fast Cool Jazz Solo Bass)
Episode 16: Cooper sees the Old Waiter in the Great Northern hallway
Episode 17: Bobby tries on suit coat in preparation of meeting with Ben (mixed with Audrey’s Dance (Percussion & Clarinets))
Note: I had previously thought these two were DOTDM (Solo Bass), which means my artwork for that track (featuring the Old Waiter) is technically incorrect- oh well...

Freshly Squeezed (Flute)
Episode 04: Donna & Audrey talk in the school bathroom
Episode 24: Stop Ghostwood fashion show, Ben talks to Catherine about redemption and giving

Freshly Squeezed (Mid-Tempo Version)
Episode 19: Audrey meets Dennis/Denise in Cooper's room at the Great Northern

Freshly Squeezed (Solo Bass Clarinet)
Episode 06: Audrey slips note under Cooper’s door
Episode 07: Audrey looks in mirror, waits in her OEJs room (mixed with Laura Palmer's Theme)
Episode 08: Cooper scoots down gurney “Just give me a couple hours to get dressed”
Episode 12: Donna & Maddy look at hand-drawn map of Harold’s place in preparation of stealing Laura’s diary (mixed with Laura Palmer’s Theme (Bass Guitar Punctuation))
Episode 17: Hank & Ernie at OEJs, Hank introduces Ernie to Jean (Night Life In Twin Peaks creeps in)
Episode 25: Cole reinstates Cooper, returns badge and new gun
Episode 28: Lana hits on Dick in the storage room

Freshly Squeezed (Solo Clarinet)
Episode 05: Audrey threatens Battis to get perfume counter job
Episode 06: Audrey hides in closet and spies on Battis with Jenny (mixed with Laura Palmer’s Theme)
Episode 06: Audrey asks Jenny for Black Rose’s number (mixed with Laura Palmer’s Theme)
Episode 06: Audrey ties cherry stem with tongue
Episode 11: Ben asks Cooper to take the ransom money for Audrey (slightly slowed and played over half-speed Laura Palmer’s Theme (Bass Guitar Punctuation))
Episode 15: Cooper & Truman interrogate Ben (represented by Jerry), show Ben Laura’s diary
Episode 17: Beginning of Audrey’s goodbye to Cooper scene
Episode 17: Bobby waits outside of Ben’s office, talks to Audrey who gets him in to see Ben (mixed with Percussion Hi-Hats)
Episode 19: Cooper finds cocaine at Dead Dog Farm (half-speed)
Episode 19: Bobby hits on Audrey on his way to bring Ben pictures (mixed with Audrey's Dance (Clean))
Episode 26: Cole kisses Shelly a 2nd time

Freshly Squeezed (Solo Flute)
Episode 03: Briefly after Cooper dictates to Diane about looking into property “at a very reasonable price”
Episode 04: End of the Donna & Audrey talk in the school bathroom scene
Episode 07: Audrey picks the Queen of Diamonds from Blackie (mixed with Laura Palmer’s Theme (Bass Guitar Punctuation))
Episode 18: Hardy tells Cooper his suspension remains in place; Cooper thanks him and leaves
Episode 19: Audrey kisses Cooper in front of Denise
Episode 20: Woman in civil war get-up runs from Ben’s office into Audrey; also a few passages mixed with Laura Palmer’s Theme (Bass Guitar Punctuation) when she enters Ben’s office (finding him on the floor playing war) and when she calls Jerry

The following three versions remain unreleased, including the "Clean" or "Drums And Bass" version, which is actually the most used version in the series:
Freshly Squeezed (Drums And Bass) (unreleased)

Episode 01: Cooper tells Bobby & Mike they are free to go, warn them not to hurt James
Episode 08: Truman, Cooper and Albert see Bobby in the hall at the hospital
Episode 11: Cooper asks Truman for one of the Bookhouse Boys
Episode 12: Cooper wakes up & dictates to Diane, tells of dreaming of eating a “large, tasteless gumdrop”
Episode 13: Ben’s office, Josie & Ben “stalemate”, Ben pays her 5 million dollars & they end their partnership
Episode 19: Denise to Cooper, “Exactly how old is that girl?” about Audrey
Episode 20: Lucy tells Cooper she didn’t find any mention of Windom Earle or chess moves in the personals
Episode 21: Audrey & Bobby at the Great Northern, she compares Ben’s mental state to an ice cube
Episode 23: A celery eating Ben announces his plan to “save the pine weasel”
Episode 24: Annie arrives at the RR, Norma introduces her to Shelly
Episode 24: Ben’s “Stop Ghostwood” speech
Episode 25: JJW tells Ben (eating a carrot) that he’s falling in love with Audrey
Episode 26: Ben addresses the Miss TP committee about the topic for the speeches
Episode 28: Ben tries to talk Audrey into making a speech at the Miss TP contest

Freshly Squeezed (Fast Cool Jazz Clean) (unreleased)
Episode 21: Conference room; Jacoby defends Lana to Cooper & company, tells of her heightened sexual drive & skills

Freshly Squeezed (Fast Cool Jazz Clarinet) (unreleased)
Episode 01: Cooper hangs upside down in his room at the Great Northern
Episode 16: Catherine reveals herself as Tajamura to a jailed Ben (re-edited)
Episode 21: Cooper & company re-enter conference room to find that the Mayor (lip-stick on face) & Lana have “reconciled”

Thanks again to Dean and for continuing these fantastic releases! Its great to have them back. Grab the bundle, and enjoy my new art. And don't forget to check out my updated Scene Guide.