
October 6, 2011

New Archive release: Character Themes


Aside from the three "Invitation To Love" themes, this week's Archive release includes seven character based themes. Most are short, but are welcome, and some even essential, tracks.

Earle's Theme (1:13)
Leo's Theme (3:00)
Hank's Theme (1:01)
Hank's Theme (Version 2) (0:31)
Horne's Theme (1:41)
Lana's Theme (0:57)
Wheeler's Theme (1:52)

First off, we have "Earle's Theme", one of three flute tracks that were used in connection with Earle, often mixed with other tracks. Along with "Windom Earle's Motif" these helped define the audio identity of Cooper's nemesis. Hopefully we will get the other Earle flute tracks eventually, one of which is a flute version of "Audrey's Prayer".

Earle's Theme
Episode 21: Opening credits, close up of tape over dead vagrants mouth, and when Cooper gives andy the chess piece (mixed with Windom Earle's Motif)
Episode 21: Briefly as Cooper stares at the chess board and before Truman asks how chess figures in
Episode 21: Cooper fills Truman in on Earle, "You don't know what he's capable of, Harry" (mixed with Laura Palmer's Theme)
Episode 21: Leo in woods, stumbles upon Earle's cabin
Episode 21: Episode ends as window blows open, shot of chess board (mixed with Windom Earle's Motif)
Episode 23: Cooper and Truman listen to the tape from Earle (mixed with Windom Earle's Motif)
Episode 23: Leo whittles arrows outside Earle's cabin (mixed with Laura Palmer's Theme)

Next up we return to the Half Speed Orchestra tracks with "Leo's Theme". The slowed down track suiting the ominous nature of Leo's character well.

Half Speed Orchestra 5 (Leo’s Theme)
Episode 01: Leo about to beat Shelly

Episode 02: Bobby arrives at Shelly’s, sees she’s been beaten
Episode 05: Shelly at home, Leo with gas, Hank threatens Leo
Episode 06: Leo spies on Bobby visiting Shelly, looks through shotgun scope
Episode 06: Shelly cries to Bobby, Leo hears about Waldo on police radio
Episode 07: Leland kills Jacques
Episode 10: Jacoby remembers Leland killing Jacques
Episode 28: Start of the episode, Leo and the Major chained up, Leo frees the Major

Another ominous track that should be instantly recognizable to viewers is "Hank's Theme". There were only two very short tracks used for Hank's Theme. The most often used of the two versions is actually only 30 seconds long. Short, but it was used so often that it becomes an essential theme.

Hank’s Theme
Episode 07: Hank cuts his and Josie’s thumbs, “Partner”
Episode 11: Hank steals Lodwick’s badge, Donna tells Maddy that Harold has Laura’s secret diary (half-speed)
Episode 18: Ben’s office; Hank meets with Ben and tells him “he’s out” of OEJs (half-speed & looped)

Hank’s Theme (Version 2)
Episode 04: Norma meets with Hank before his hearing
Episode 04: Hank fiddles with his domino at his hearing, “Catch ya later” to Norma
Episode 05: Hank’s sits in RR booth with domino, Norma & Shelly return from the beauty shop
Episode 06: Josie on phone with Ben who says they need Catherine at the mill, Hank is there with her
Episode 07: At the RR, Hank asks Norma to give him time
Episode 08: Bobby remembers Hank shooting Leo
Episode 12: Cooper and Truman leave OEJs with Audrey, Hank calls Ben, Jean pulls gun on Hank
Episode 19: Briefly as Hank watches Norma & Ed in the RR (see Hank’s hand w/ domino)
Episode 20: Hank punches Ed in Ed’s house after Norma leaves

Horne’s Theme
Episode 02: Ben & Jerry at OEJs, girls line up and Blackie enters
Episode 02: After telling them to "go out for a pass", Bobby & Mike run from Leo in the woods (alternate version?)
Episode 04: Coop & Gang break into Jacques’ apartment, continues into beginning of Ben & Leo's meeting in the woods
Episode 20: Nadine beats up Hank

Lana’s Theme
Episode 19: Great Northern hallway, Lana tells Hawk that she’s cursed and about her prom night kiss
Episode 19: The men fawn over Lana
Episode 19: Lucy finds all the men listening to Lana’s stories

The real highlight of this release for me is "Wheeler's Theme". One that's been at the top of my want list for a while now. It pops up so often in the final episodes it becomes another essential track. And with its slow & twangy, warm guitar vibe its a unique track in the TP universe. Great to finally have it.

Wheeler’s Theme
Episode 23: John Justice Wheeler in introduced, Audrey is working as a concierge
Episode 23: After Ben excuses himself, Audrey & JJW talk, “I’m only 18”
Episode 25: Ben’s office, Audrey leaves for Seattle, JJW enters
Episode 27: JJW looks for Audrey, asks Randy if she’s returned
Episode 27: JJW gives Ben letter for Audrey as he leaves
Episode 27: JJW leaves with suitcases
Episode 27: Audrey watches Jack’s plane fly away, Pete offers to take her fishing
Episode 28: Audrey talks to Ben about missing Jack

Another great release from the Archive. I know some may consider these "lesser" TP tracks, and even though many are fairly short, there is some wonderful stuff here.

Check out my covers. I've had some of these done for a while and I think many of them turned out pretty nice. Grab the bundle from According to info on the Dugpa board, this will be the only release in October, with releases resuming in November. Until then, don't forget to check out my scene guide here, or from the tab above. You can keep track of where tracks were heard, and what still remains unreleased.

New Archive release: Invitation To Love


This week we get a ten track bundle from the Archive. Seven character based themes, and the themes from the faux soap opera "Invitation To Love". ITL popped up a bunch of times the first season and then was (for the most part) dropped in the second season. It only shows up once in season 2 (episode 20) and even then we only hear it.

Invitation To Love Theme (0:51)
Invitation To Love Theme (Bumper) (0:08)
Invitation To Love (Lover's Dilemma) (2:09)

Invitation To Love Theme
Episode 02: Shelly shuts off the TV
Episode 03: Leland watches “Invitation To Love”
Episode 06: Nadine watches “Invitation To Love”, cries to Ed about “rejected” silent drape runner idea
Episode 20: Shelly feeds Leo & fights with Bobby (includes Bumper)

Invitation To Love Theme (Bumper)
Episode 04: “Invitation To Love” starts
Episode 20: Shelly feeds Leo & fights with Bobby (includes ITL Theme)

Invitation To Love (Lovers Dilemma)
Episode 04: Lucy watches Emerald and Chet on “Invitation To Love”